Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Oh, and. . .

I keep forgetting to put up some pictures and an update on the work. The first team of 6 guys from North Terrace Church of Christ in Zanesville, OH arrived today. Their main focus is going to be on the roof of the back building. The floor of the sanctuary SHOULD be poured either late this week or next week. The weather may be an issue though since there is some tropical activity that may develop further and MAY head our way. Could be fun!!! The next team of 22 (I think) arrives Saturday and then another of 21ish next Saturday. But I'll post more about them later. Here are the pictures I've been trying to get up. This is the closest to a panoramic view of the church I can get. The pictures start on one side of the back building and go around the church ending on the same side of the sanctuary/worship center. Here goes:

Look for updates near the end of the month showing the progress!

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